Joe McCullough

February 8, 2010
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Joe McCullough

Joe McCullough

Joe McCullough is a Concept Artist who was educated at the Savannah College of Art and Design.  He is married with three children, one dog the size of a tissue box and, in winter, a mouse in the garage whose name is George.  His hobbies include soccer and mixed media sculpture.

Professional Experience:  Started working in advertising as a gopher / service counter intern. 16 years later, I am head butler and chauffeur for my three children. In between time, I worked in magazine publishing as an art director and currently own a company focused on creating really creative environments that enhance the education of children and youth with thoughtful design. We make the unreal a reality with props and lightweight sculptures, murals, and theater decorations mostly for churches with active ministries to children.

Community Involvement:  I volunteer in events at my church. I am also part of CCMN, a network of children’s pastors making a difference in Cleveland by linking arms with area schools to meet the needs of children in our community.

Your local church:  Westmore

Place of service in church:  The hospitality team and classroom support for 3 year olds.

Two to three unique facts about yourself:  I have a wonderful memory for the first 5 seconds.  I used to think about letters as having certain characteristics. “R” is a strong letter.  I am 89% adverse to numbers and statistics. I would much rather draw a picture.

Favorite verse or book of the Bible and reason:  Matthew 6:33  This verse more than any other helped me through a dark time in my life and established in my mind, dependency on God is not weakness but strength to pull away from the gravity of our sinful nature.

Define (in your own words) what it means to be a godly man in your generation:  Living a righteous life in public and in private; being slow to anger and seek God’s response in all things; having a level of integrity that exists not out of a fear of getting caught, but from a desire to do something right. Jesus said he was “about his father’s business.” We should still be about our Father’s business today.

Other than the presumed answer, “Follow Jesus,” what are one to three key lessons in life that you would encourage young people everywhere to consider?  Listen carefully before you speak.  Seek to understand before being understood.  Honor your mother and father. It’s the command that carries the reward of a long life.

What are one or two dead end roads that you have found in your journey?  Arguing to win my viewpoint with my wife or friends. Even if you win, you  lose.

You may learn more about Joe’s work or contact him at
